2351 NW 26th St
Oakland Park, FL 33311

Or mail your contribution to :
God's Little Lambs
2351 NW 26th St
Oakland Park, FL 33311

How You Can Help:
Make a Donation:
Please consider a financial contribution to help God's Little Lambs Childcare Center continue it's mission to provide quality childcare to the children of families who are in need in our community. Your contribution of $150 will provide a "scholarship" to one of our students for one month. An $1800 donation will provide care for one child for a full year. $10, $20, $100- As little or as much as you can afford, anything and everything will be a HUGH blessing to our children and families.
Corporate Partners:
Perhaps your church, business or club would consider a corporate fundraiser for the chldren at God's Little Lambs.
God's Little Lambs is a 501c3 non profit corporation, so all donations are tax deductible.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Consider offering your time and talents to God's Little Lambs ministry:
Read to children fro 1 hour on a weekly basis
Computer assistance for preschoolers for 90 minutes, one day per week
Serve lunches- commit to one day per week from 10:30- noon
Wash toys, clean and organize
Opportunities are available for groups to paint, clean, spread mulch and do landscaping.
(Volunteers working in direct contact with children will need to be background screened according to the Broward County Ordinances.)
For more information on donating or volunteering at God's Little Lambs, please contact Carolyn Stevens, Director at:
(954) 779-3185
Year End Giving
As you get ready to celebrate with your loved ones this Holiday Season, please consider a financial contribution to help God’s Little Lambs Childcare Center continue its mission to provide quality childcare to the children of families who are in need in our community. Your contribution of $150 will provide will provide a “scholarship” to one of our students for one month. An $1800 donation will provide care for one child for one year. As little or as much as you can afford, anything and everything will be a HUGE blessing to our children and families.